College Council represents the entire college community and includes representatives from faculty, administrative staff, support staff and students.

Functions and Responsibilities

1. The core function of the council is to establish annual goals aligned with the college’s strategic priorities as determined by the Senior Management Committee.

2. The committee has to represent the college community in providing timely feedback to the authority on issues that are of college-wide significance and related to the college’s stated strategic priorities.

3. The committee has to be responsible for the integrated planning process, with input from all parts of the campus community. Every three years the Council will update the mission statement and long-term goals

4. The committee has to appoint, delegate and promote faculty members and lecturers.

5. The committee has to facilitate communication and appropriate involvement of all members of the college community.

6. The college council may develop and adopt operating procedures to ensure efficient, effective and timely decision-making.

7. The committee has to review the annual component goals produced by academic affairs, student Services, and administrative Services. College Council can recommend changes in accordance with the college mission and institutional goals.

8. The committee has to suggest or modify curriculums, in coordination with the departments.

9. The committee has to suggest academic programs, textbooks and references of the college.

10. The committee has to organize open forums for discussion of important or controversial issues.

College Council Committee

Sr. No. Name Designation in college Designation in Council Mobile No.
1 Dr. Sabiha Bano Professor / Principle Chairman 9690357604
2 Dr. Ravinder Kumar Nirwal Associate Professor / Vice Principle Member 8923549202
3 Dr. Renu Chaudhary Associate Professor Member 7351030856
4 Dr. Trupti Tembhare Associate Professor Member 8447415417
5 Dr. Amit Kumar Tanwar Associate Professor Member 9958829808
6 Dr. Indu Kumari Associate Professor Member 9810487932
7 Dr. Tripty Joshi Associate Professor Member 7017184376
8 Dr. Vipin Joshi Associate Professor Member 9718634538
9 Dr. Ruby Ramkumar Dahiya Associate Professor Member 9990774643
10 Dr. Anil Kumar Associate Professor Member 9999915189
11 Dr. Chinchalkar Shital Krishnarao Associate Professor Member 9811365334
12 Dr. Harsh Gupta Associate Professor Member 9999743770
13 Dr. Malika Varma Associate Professor Member 9350599309
14 Dr. Neha Bernwal Associate Professor Member 8090465685

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